The key to solving this problem is learning how to read and understand code, an important skill for a computer scientist. The problem follows the patterns illustrated in the Actor 3 example. Please notice that the problem establishes the variable names, both members and parameters, and you must use them consistently in your solution.
class Person { private: string name; public: Person(string n) : name(n) {} void display() { cout << name << endl; } }; class Project { private: char code; public: Project(char c) : code(c) {} void display() { cout << code << endl; } }; class Record { private: double salary; public: Record(double s) : salary(s) {} void display() { cout << salary << endl; } } class Employee : public Person // Inheritance { private: Record myRecord; // Composition Project* myProject = nullptr; // Aggregation int id; public: Employee(string name, double s, int i) : (a)_______________________________________{} ~Employee(){ if (myProject != nullptr) (b)____________; } void set_project(char a_code) { (c)_________________________________________________; } void display() {(d)_______________________________} };
Fill in the blanks to complete the Employee class.