Large floating-point numbers are printed in scientific notation by default; small floating-point numbers can be forced to print in scientific notation.
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { cout << 23.5 << endl; cout << 1000000.0 << endl; cout << 6.0221413e23 << endl; cout << endl; cout << fixed << 23.5 << endl; cout << fixed << 1000000.0 << endl; cout << fixed << 6.0221413e23 << endl; cout << endl; cout << scientific << 23.5 << endl; cout << scientific << 1000000.0 << endl; cout << scientific << 6.0221413e23 << endl; return 0; }Output:
23.5 1e+006 6.02214e+023 23.500000 1000000.000000 602214130000000020000000.000000 2.350000e+001 1.000000e+006 6.022141e+023