2.3.2. money.cpp

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Most of us are familiar with division, using it to perform a variety of ordinary tasks, such as comparing the relative cost of different product sizes (cost per unit) or tracking our car's fuel efficiency or mileage (in the non-metric U.S., miles per gallon). We're also accustomed to rounding the result to a convenient number of digits. But truncation is less familiar, sometimes leaving new programmers wondering if it's an error or at least an oversight. While truncation and modular arithmetic are uncommon in our daily activities, they often help computer scientists solve problems they face.

Operating systems divide secondary storage space (e.g., disk drives) into numbered blocks. Computer scientists have devised various schemes to track the free and in-use (i.e., allocated to a file) blocks. One scheme uses a single bit: 1 indicates the corresponding block is free, and 0 indicates it is allocated. The "free space management" example at the end of the chapter organizes the bits as an array of integers. It demonstrates how functions locate and manage the bits with integer division, modular arithmetic, and bitwise operations. While the problem is an authentic example of integer division and modular arithmetic, it requires advanced concepts and operations.

While money.cpp is a less authentic problem, it's also easier to understand. It converts the value of a given number of U.S. pennies into an equivalent value expressed as U.S. dollars, quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies.

Test Cases

Based on U.S. currency, test cases for this program are quite trivial.

  Input Dollars Quarters Dimes Nickels Pennies
Case 1 317 3 0 1 1 2
Case 2 489 4 3 1 0 4

Program Listing

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	int	pennies;				// (a)
	cout << "Enter the number of pennies: ";
	cin >> pennies;
	cout << pennies << " pennies =" << endl;

	int	dollars = pennies / 100;		// (b)
	pennies = pennies % 100;

	int	quarters = pennies / 25;
	pennies = pennies % 25;

	int	dimes = pennies / 10;
	pennies = pennies % 10;

	int	nickels = pennies / 5;
	pennies = pennies % 5;

	cout << dollars << " dollars" << endl;		// (c)
	cout << quarters << " quarters" << endl;
	cout << dimes << " dimes"  << endl;
	cout << nickels << " nickels " << endl;
	cout << pennies << " pennies"  << endl;

	return 0;
money.cpp: modular operator and integer division. The program converts a given number of pennies into an equivalent value consisting of fewer, higher-denomination coins. The program demonstrates a use for integer division and how it is paired with the modular or remained operator to solve a problem. Integer division still truncates the result, but the truncation is NOT an error when done deliberately. We can divide the program into three main groups:
  1. Initial Data. Defines and initializes (Figure 7(c)) the variable pennies. For this example, we assume the user enters 489 pennies.
  2. Calculations. We can further subdivide the calculations into four sub-groups that follow the same pattern: calculate a number of coins and then update the value stored in pennies. In the first sub-group, notice that in the expression pennies / 100 that both operands are of type int, so the computer evaluates the division operation with integer arithmetic: 489/100 is 4, and saves it in dollars. The program calculates the numbers of quarters, dimes, and nickels in the same way, where 100 is replaced by 25, 10, and 5, respectively. The program updates the number of pennies with the modular operator: pennies % 100 creates four groups of 100 with 89 pennies leftover or remaining. The values are saved in pennies at the end of each sub-group. After calculating the number of nickels, the number of pennies is the leftover value that higher-value coins cannot represent.
  3. Output. The program prints the numbers of each coin needed to represent the value of the number of pennies the user enters.