8.4. A Comparison of the string Class and C-Strings

The following table lists some operations programs often need to perform. The table details how C++ supports these operations for C-strings and string objects. The following references provide a complete list and greater detail.

string Class C-String
Creation & Initialization
string s1("hello");
string s2("world");
char* s1 = "hello"; (content of s1 is constant)
char s2[50] = "world"; (content of s2 can change)
Creation Empty
string s3; char s3[100] = "";
char s3[100]; + s3[0] = '\0';
Input / Read
string s4;
getline(cin, s4);
char s4[50];
cin.getline(s4, 50);
Test For Equality
s1 == s2 strcmp(s1,s2) == 0
Test For Inequality
s1 != s2 strcmp(s1,s2) != 0
s1 < s2 (does s1 come before s2) strcmp(s1,s2) < 0
s1 <= s2 strcmp(s1,s2) <= 0
s1 > s2 (does s1 come after s2) strcmp(s1,s2) > 0
s1 >= s2 strcmp(s1,s2) >= 0
s1.compare(s2) strcmp(s1,s2)
Character Access
s1[i] no bounds checking
s1.at(i) bounds checking enabled
s1[i] no bounds checking
st.front() s1[0]
s1.back() s1[strlen(s1) - 1]
Length Operations
s1.empty() strlen(s1) == 0
Clearing (Complete Data Removal)
s1[0] = '\0'
Shortening (Partial Data Removal)
s1.erase(start) s1[start] = '\0'
s3 = s1 strcpy(s3, s1)
s3 += s2 strcat(s3, s2)
s3 = s1 + s2  
s1.find("llo") 1 (find substring, left to right) strstr(s1, "llo")
s1.rfind("llo") 1 (find substring, reverse or right to left)  
s1.find('h') 2 (find character, left to right) strchr(s1, 'h')
s1.rfind('h') 2 (find character, reverse or right to left) strrchr(s1, 'h')
s1.find_first_of("llo") 1, 3 (find character, left to right) strpbrk(s1, "llo")
s1.find_last_of("llo") 1, 3 (find character, reverse or right to left)  
s1.find_first_of('h') 2 strchr(s1, 'h')
s1.find_last_of('h') 2 strrchr(s1, 'h')
string ↔ C-string
Convert string to C-string
Convert C-string to string
string s4("Hello");
string s5(s1);

  1. The argument may be either a string or a C-string.
  2. For single character arguments, find and find_first_of perform the same search, and rfind and find_last_of perform the same search.
  3. Locates any single character in the argument string.