Computer Science Assignments_Page Try_it_Out_Activities Challenge_Activities

Assignments Page

On this page, we will find the definitions of the different types of activities involved in CS 2350 Client-Side Web Development such as Learning Activities, TryOut Activities, and Challenge Activities.

Learning Activities

These activities have been created to teach the topics covered in each module. The student is expected to watch videos, read materials, and most importantly ask questions and/or post additional resources on the class discussion forum of any external sources a student find that helped learn the material.

Try it Out Activities

These activities have been created to give the student a chance to practice the skills they are learning. These activities include instructions and aids for completing the activity. These activities will help boost the student's score while learning. They are lightly weighted in the final grade with a focus on completion. They should be completed at least two days before attempting the Challenge Activities (so the instructor has sufficient time to give the student feedback and answer questions.

Challenge Activities

The challenge activities are how the student demonstrate mastery of the learning objectives. These activities are designed to use the skills outlined in the learning objectives. The majority of module points come from challenge activities.