The Time example consists of three files illustrating the organization of a larger, realistic program.
Contains the class specification. Programs realize several benefits by separating the class description from the function definitions:
The class specification is easily and compactly included in documentation
Functions, which might embody trade secrets, are delivered to clients in machine code rather than full source code
programs only have a single copy of the functions' machine code
It's easier to build and manage client programs that use the class in some but not all of its files
It's easier to reuse the class in other programs
contains the member function definitions. Programs only need one copy of these functions. The linker joins the functions' machine code in this file with the calls made throughout the program.
represents a client of the Time class. In a larger, more realistic program, the client code will typically span many files - some, but perhaps not all, of those files will use the services of a specific class.
The Time UML class diagram.
There are three important comparisons that you should make between the UML class diagram and the corresponding C++ class specification (Figure 2):
The operation names in the UML diagram match the function names in the class specification
The number and type of the operation parameters in the diagram match the number and type of parameters in the member functions in the class specification
The return type of the operations in the diagram matches the return type of the functions in the class specification
The textbook introduced the Time program in Chapter 4 as a structure example. We updated it in Chapter 5, demonstrating three ways to pass structures to functions: (a) by value, (b) by pointer, and (c) by reference. Parts of the Time class have been presented in the preceding sections of this chapter to illustrate various aspects of object-oriented programming. The following figures present the complete, final version of the program.
class Time
int hours;
int minutes;
int seconds;
Time() : hours(0), minutes(0), seconds(0) {}
Time(int h, int m, int s) : hours(h), minutes(m), seconds(s) {}
Time(int s);
Time add(Time t2);
void print();
void read();
Time.h (class version).
Following the typical pattern, member variables are private, while member functions are public. The three constructors are (top to bottom) default, general, and conversion. The first two constructors use an initializer list to initialize (i.e., store the first value in) the member variables. The first two constructors qualify as inline functions because the class defines their bodies, albeit empty (signified by the empty braces). Although the add function only has one explicit parameter, it is operating on two instances of Time - the call passes the "hidden" object in through the implicit this pointer. print and read also operate on an instance of Time bound to each function by the this pointer.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include "Time.h"
using namespace std;
Time::Time(int s)
hours = s / 3600;
s %= 3600; // s = s % 3600;
minutes = s / 60;
seconds = s % 60;
void Time::print()
cout << hours << ":" << setw(2) << minutes << ":" <<
setw(2) << seconds << endl;
cout.fill(' ');
Time Time::add(Time t2)
int i1 = hours * 3600 + minutes * 60 + seconds;
int i2 = t2.hours * 3600 + t2.minutes * 60 + t2.seconds;
return Time(i1 + i2);
void Time::read()
cout << "Please enter the hours: ";
cin >> hours;
cout << "Please enter the minutes: ";
cin >> minutes;
cout << "Please enter the seconds: ";
cin >> seconds;
Time.cpp (class version).
Whenever a statement accesses a member variable (e.g., hours, minutes, or seconds) without a dot operator on the left, that variable belongs to the object calling the function. The this pointer temporarily binds the object and its variables to the function.
The add function demonstrates the different syntax needed to access the fields that belong to this object and the explicit parameter object, t2:
The statement calculating i1 accesses the member variables by the variable name alone
The statement calculating i2 must access the member variables with two names: (a) the parameter name t2 and (b) the member variable name; the dot operator joins the two names
#include <iostream>
#include "Time.h"
using namespace std;
int main()
Time t;;
Time s(1, 30, 4);
Time u = t.add(s);
//t.add(s).print(); // alternate
return 0;
driver.cpp (class version).
Programs cannot call member functions alone but must call them through an object. For example, a programmer does not write print(); but rather must write t.print(); where t is an instance of the Time class. Programs pass objects appearing on the left-hand side of the dot operator by-pointer to the "hidden" this pointer in the member function.
Please note that the alternate code that chains the dot operators works with some but not all compilers.