9. Classes And Objects

Object-Oriented Programming Using C++.

Classes And Objects

Study Guide

Classes And Objects

UML Class Diagrams

Test Yourself: Translating Basic UML to C++

C++ Class Self Test Answers

Class Development

Member Functions and Program Organization

Constructors And Initializer Lists

student Class Example

Creating And Destroying Objects: new And delete

Access Functions: Getters and Setters

The this Pointer: class stack

const And Classes

Namespaces And The Scope Resolution Operator

static Variables And Functions

An Introducton To Exception Handling

Worked Examples

Time Example (Class Version)

Fraction 1 Example

Software Development With Objects: The Pouring Puzzle

Solution 1: Pass-By-Reference

Solution 2: Pass-By-Pointer

Problem Solving: Strings

Length-Prefixed String Example

CString Class Example

String Class Example

Stopwatch Example

Terminology Review