Robert Ball's Publications

My Google Scholar Citation Link can be found here.

Ball, R. and Rague, B. (2022) The Beginner's Guide to Data Science. Springer. ISBN-10: 3031078640. ISBN-13: 978-3031078644 Official Springer link: Ebook and physical copies Physical copy only
Ball, R. and Weidman, D. (2018) Analysis of USA Powerlifting federation data from January 1, 2012 - June 11, 2016. The Journal of Stength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 32, No. 7, July 2018.
Ball, R. (2017) Visualizing Genealogy Through A Family-Centric Perspective. Information Visualization Journal, Volume 16, issue 1.
Ball, R., Cook, D., and Pickard, M. (2014) Combating the Inevitable Aging of Software Developers. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. May/June 2014.
Ball, R. (2013) Don't Search, Just Show Me What I Did: Visualizing Provenance of Documents and Applications. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 29, issue 3, pp. 156-168.
Ball, R. and Hourcade J.P. (2011) Rethinking Reading for Age from Paper and Computers. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 27, issue 11, pp. 1066-1082.
Ball, R. (2010) Upgrading Human Performance, Not Computer Performance. Graziadio Business Report. Volume 13, issue 1 (January 2010).
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Ball, R. and North, C. (2007) Realizing Embodied Interaction for Visual Analytics through Large Displays. Computers & Graphics (C&G) Special Issue on Visual Analytics. Volume 31, issue 3, (2007), pp. 380-400. Top Cited Article 2005-2010 Award.
Sabri, A., Ball, R., Bhatia, S., Fabian, A., and North, C. (2007) High-Resolution Gaming: Interfaces, Notifications and the User Experience. Interacting with Computers Journal. Volume 19, issue 2 (March 2007), pp. 151-166.
Howarth, J.R., Pyla, P.S., Yost, B., Haciahmetoglu, Y., Young, D., Ball, R., Lambros, S., and Layne, P. (2007) Designing a Conference for Women Entering Academe in the Sciences and Engineering. Advancing Women in Leadership (AWL). Volume 24, Spring 2007.
Ball, R., Jensen, J., Squadroni, C. (2025) Interactive Timeline-based Fan Charts. In Proceeding of FHTW '25 (Family History Technology Workshop 2025, Provo, Utah.
Link to source code
Ball, R., Jensen, J., Romine, S. (2023) Crowdsourcing a More Realistic Emotional Lexicon Process. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Romine, S., Jensen, J., and Ball, R. (2023) Comparing Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Analysis of Algorithms vs People. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Reeder, S., Jensen, J., and Ball, R. (2023) Evaluating Explainable AI (XAI) In Terms of User Gender and Educational Background. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Briscoe, J., Rague, B., Feuz, K., and Ball, R. (2021) Specialized Neural Network Pruning for Boolean Abstractions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KEOD. pp. 178-185.
Ball, R., Duhadway, L., Feuz, K., Jensen, J., Rague, B., and Weidman, D. (2019) Applying Machine Learning to Improve Curriculum Design. In SigCSE '19 (ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2019). Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Ball, R., Jensen, J. and Feuz, K. (2019) Family-Centric Visualization, 2.0. In FHTW '19 (Family History Technology Workshop 2019). Provo, Utah.
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Ball, R., DuHadway, L., Hilton, S., and Rague, B. (2018) GUI-Based vs. Text-Based Assignments in CS1. In SigCSE '18 (ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2018). Baltimore, Maryland.
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Details (presentation)
Ball, R. and Beck, P. (2017) Automatically Recreating Probabilistic History through Genealogy. In 17th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
Ball, R. (2016) Visualizing Time, Space, and Genealogy Sets with Maps. In 16th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
Ball, R. (2015) Where Am I From? Showing Geospatial Location of Ancestors Through A Generational Perspective. In 15th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
Ashbaugh, C., Huggins, B., Sims, K., Brooks, J., Estrada, S., and Ball, R. (2015) Attentional Parameterization and Saccadic Eye Movement. (student poster) In Southwestern Psychological Association. Wichita, Kansas.
Ball, R. and Cook, D. (2014) A Family-Centric Genealogy Visualization Paradigm. In 14th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
Brown, P. and Ball, R. (2014) Streamlining the Genealogy User Experience. (student poster) In 14th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah
Ball, R. (2013) Enabling Health Literacy for Older Adults Through Anamorphic Perspective. In PETRA (Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments) 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece.
Ball, R.and North, C. (2008) The Effects of Peripheral Vision and Physical navigation on large Scale Visualization. In Graphics Interface 2008, pp. 9 - 16. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
Ball, R., North, C., and Bowman, D. (2007) Move to Improve: Promoting Physical Navigation to Increase user Performance with Large Displays. In ACM's CHI 2007 (full paper), pp. 191 - 200. CHI 2007 Honorable Mention Award Paper (nominated as one of the top 5% of all the full papers). San Jose, CA.
Ball, R., Pyla, P., and Perez-Quinones, M. (2007) OSI and ET: Originating Source of Information and Evidence Traceability. In ACM's CHI 2007 (Work-in-progress), pp. 2261 - 2266. San Jose, CA.
Ball, R., DellaNoce, M., Ni, T., and North, C. (2006) Applying Embodied Interaction and Usability Engineering to Visualization on Large Displays. In British HCI - V&I 2006, pp. 57-65. London, UK.
Shupp, L., Ball, R., Yost, B., Booker, J., and North, C. (2006) Evaluation of Viewport Size and Curvature of Large, High-Resolution Display. In Graphics Interface (GI) 2006, pp. 123-130. Quebec City, Canada.
Ni, T., Schmidt, G., Staadt, O., Livingston, M., Ball, R., May, R. (2006) A Survey of Large High-Resolution Display Technologies, Techniques, and Applications. In IEEE Virtual Reality 2006, pp. 223-234. Alexandria, Virginia.
Ball, R., Varghese, M., Sabri,A., Cox, E.D., Fierer, C., Peterson, M., Carstensen, B., and North, C. (2005) Evaluating the Benefits of Tiled Displays for Navigating Maps. In IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2005), pp. 66-71. Phoenix, Arizona.
Ball, R., Sabri, A., and North, C. (2005) High-Resolution Displays Facilitating Greater Insight in a Dynamic Environment. In IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization Proceedings Compendium (InfoVis), pp. 5-6. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Ball, R. and North, C. (2005) An Analysis of User Behavior on High-Resolution Tiled Displays. In Tenth IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2005), pp. 350-364. Rome, Italy.
Ball, R. and North, C. (2005) Effects of Tiled High-Resolution Display on Basic Visualization and Navigation Tasks. In Extended abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005), pp. 1196-1199. Portland, Oregon.
Ball, R., Fink, G.A., and North, C. (2004) Home-Centric Visualization of Network Traffic for Security Administration. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security 2004, (VizSEC 2004), pp. 55-64. Fairfax, Virginia.
Huang, F., Deccio, C., Ball, R., Clement, M., and Snell, Q. (2004) A Piecewise Linear Approach to Overbooking. In IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2004), pp. 326-331. Phoenix, Arizona.
Ball, R., Clement, M., Huang, F., Snell, Q., and Deccio, C. (2004) Aggressive Telecommunications Overbooking Ratios. In 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) 2004, pp. 31-39. Phoenix, Arizona.
Turpin, B. and Ball, R. (as a ghost writer) (2014) The College Decision. In The New Era. September 2014.

Ball, R., Szwedo, M., and North, C. (2006) Dynamic size and speed cursor for large, high-resolution displays. Technical Report TR-06-16, Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. July 2006.

Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "Applying Machine Learning (AI) to the Procurement Process, Phase II." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: FA8650-18-d1612/FA8650-20-F1946), $44,999. June 27 2022 - June 26 2023.
Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "TAME01-WSU-2021." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: 47QFLA20D0007/47QFLA20F0096). $4,997. May 2021 - May 2022.
Rague, B., Saunders, A., Ball, R., Al-Gahmi, A., Zhang, Y., and Chan, J. “Machine learning / Data Science Emerging Initiative Grant.” USHE (Utah State Higher Education) state grant $1,144,890. September 2021 - August 2023.
Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "Applying Machine Learning (AI) to the Procurement Process." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: FA8650-18-D-1612/FA8650-18-D-1612) $149,853. March 13, 2020 - March 13, 2021.
Naps, T., Furcy, D., Ball, R., and Faggiani, K. "Exploring Open Source Software: Development and Efficacy of Online Learning Environments in Computer Science."; NSF (National Science Foundation), $261,167. (May 2009 - April 2011). Award number: 0851569. (
"Ultra-High Resolution, Interactive Information Visualization."; ARDA/DTO, $497,933. 2003-2006.