Ball, R. and Rague, B. (2022) The Beginner's Guide to Data Science. Springer. ISBN-10: 3031078640. ISBN-13: 978-3031078644 |
Official Springer link: Ebook and physical copies Physical copy only |
Ball, R. and Weidman, D. (2018) Analysis of USA Powerlifting federation data from January 1, 2012 - June 11, 2016. The Journal of Stength and Conditioning Research. Vol. 32, No. 7, July 2018. |
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Ball, R. (2017) Visualizing Genealogy Through A Family-Centric Perspective. Information Visualization Journal, Volume 16, issue 1. |
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Ball, R., Cook, D., and Pickard, M. (2014) Combating the Inevitable Aging of Software Developers. CrossTalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering. May/June 2014. |
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Ball, R. (2013) Don't Search, Just Show Me What I Did: Visualizing Provenance of Documents and Applications. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 29, issue 3, pp. 156-168. |
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Ball, R. and Hourcade J.P. (2011) Rethinking Reading for Age from Paper and Computers. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction. Volume 27, issue 11, pp. 1066-1082. |
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Ball, R. (2010) Upgrading Human Performance, Not Computer Performance. Graziadio Business Report. Volume 13, issue 1 (January 2010). |
Details (paper) Details (podcast: paper read by author) |
Ball, R. and North, C. (2007) Realizing Embodied Interaction for Visual Analytics through Large Displays. Computers & Graphics (C&G) Special Issue on Visual Analytics. Volume 31, issue 3, (2007), pp. 380-400. Top Cited Article 2005-2010 Award. |
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Sabri, A., Ball, R., Bhatia, S., Fabian, A., and North, C. (2007) High-Resolution Gaming: Interfaces, Notifications and the User Experience. Interacting with Computers Journal. Volume 19, issue 2 (March 2007), pp. 151-166. |
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Howarth, J.R., Pyla, P.S., Yost, B., Haciahmetoglu, Y., Young, D., Ball, R., Lambros, S., and Layne, P. (2007) Designing a Conference for Women Entering Academe in the Sciences and Engineering. Advancing Women in Leadership (AWL). Volume 24, Spring 2007.
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Ball, R., Jensen, J., Squadroni, C. (2025) Interactive Timeline-based Fan Charts. In Proceeding of FHTW '25 (Family History Technology Workshop 2025, Provo, Utah.
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Ball, R., Jensen, J., Romine, S. (2023) Crowdsourcing a More Realistic Emotional Lexicon Process. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Romine, S., Jensen, J., and Ball, R. (2023) Comparing Sentiment Analysis and Emotion Analysis of Algorithms vs People. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Reeder, S., Jensen, J., and Ball, R. (2023) Evaluating Explainable AI (XAI) In Terms of User Gender and Educational Background. In Proceeding of HCI International 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark.
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Briscoe, J., Rague, B., Feuz, K., and Ball, R. (2021) Specialized Neural Network Pruning for Boolean Abstractions. In Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - KEOD. pp. 178-185.
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Ball, R., Duhadway, L., Feuz, K., Jensen, J., Rague, B., and Weidman, D. (2019) Applying Machine Learning to Improve Curriculum Design. In SigCSE '19 (ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2019). Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Details (paper) Details (presentation) |
Ball, R., Jensen, J. and Feuz, K. (2019) Family-Centric Visualization, 2.0. In FHTW '19 (Family History Technology Workshop 2019). Provo, Utah.
Details (paper) Demo |
Ball, R., DuHadway, L., Hilton, S., and Rague, B. (2018) GUI-Based vs. Text-Based Assignments in CS1. In SigCSE '18 (ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education 2018). Baltimore, Maryland.
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Ball, R. and Beck, P. (2017) Automatically Recreating Probabilistic History through Genealogy. In 17th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
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Ball, R. (2016) Visualizing Time, Space, and Genealogy Sets with Maps. In 16th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
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Ball, R. (2015) Where Am I From? Showing Geospatial Location of Ancestors Through A Generational Perspective. In 15th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
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Ashbaugh, C., Huggins, B., Sims, K., Brooks, J., Estrada, S., and Ball, R. (2015) Attentional Parameterization and Saccadic Eye Movement. (student poster) In Southwestern Psychological Association. Wichita, Kansas.
Ball, R. and Cook, D. (2014) A Family-Centric Genealogy Visualization Paradigm. In 14th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah.
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Brown, P. and Ball, R. (2014) Streamlining the Genealogy User Experience. (student poster) In 14th Annual Family History Technology Workshop. Provo, Utah
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Ball, R. (2013) Enabling Health Literacy for Older Adults Through Anamorphic Perspective. In PETRA (Pervasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments) 2013. Rhodes Island, Greece.
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Ball, R.and North, C. (2008) The Effects of Peripheral Vision and Physical navigation on large Scale Visualization. In Graphics Interface 2008, pp. 9 - 16. Windsor, Ontario, Canada.
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Ball, R., North, C., and Bowman, D. (2007) Move to Improve: Promoting Physical Navigation to Increase user Performance with Large Displays. In ACM's CHI 2007 (full paper), pp. 191 - 200. CHI 2007 Honorable Mention Award Paper (nominated as one of the top 5% of all the full papers). San Jose, CA.
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Ball, R., Pyla, P., and Perez-Quinones, M. (2007) OSI and ET: Originating Source of Information and Evidence Traceability. In ACM's CHI 2007 (Work-in-progress), pp. 2261 - 2266. San Jose, CA.
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Ball, R., DellaNoce, M., Ni, T., and North, C. (2006) Applying Embodied Interaction and Usability Engineering to Visualization on Large Displays. In British HCI - V&I 2006, pp. 57-65. London, UK.
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Shupp, L., Ball, R., Yost, B., Booker, J., and North, C. (2006) Evaluation of Viewport Size and Curvature of Large, High-Resolution Display. In Graphics Interface (GI) 2006, pp. 123-130. Quebec City, Canada.
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Ni, T., Schmidt, G., Staadt, O., Livingston, M., Ball, R., May, R. (2006) A Survey of Large High-Resolution Display Technologies, Techniques, and Applications. In IEEE Virtual Reality 2006, pp. 223-234. Alexandria, Virginia.
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Ball, R., Varghese, M., Sabri,A., Cox, E.D., Fierer, C., Peterson, M., Carstensen, B., and North, C. (2005) Evaluating the Benefits of Tiled Displays for Navigating Maps. In IASTED International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (IASTED-HCI 2005), pp. 66-71. Phoenix, Arizona.
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Ball, R., Sabri, A., and North, C. (2005) High-Resolution Displays Facilitating Greater Insight in a Dynamic Environment. In IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization Proceedings Compendium (InfoVis), pp. 5-6. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
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Ball, R. and North, C. (2005) An Analysis of User Behavior on High-Resolution Tiled Displays. In Tenth IFIP International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (INTERACT 2005), pp. 350-364. Rome, Italy.
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Ball, R. and North, C. (2005) Effects of Tiled High-Resolution Display on Basic Visualization and Navigation Tasks. In Extended abstracts of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2005), pp. 1196-1199. Portland, Oregon.
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Ball, R., Fink, G.A., and North, C. (2004) Home-Centric Visualization of Network Traffic for Security Administration. In ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security, Workshop on Visualization and Data Mining for Computer Security 2004, (VizSEC 2004), pp. 55-64. Fairfax, Virginia.
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Huang, F., Deccio, C., Ball, R., Clement, M., and Snell, Q. (2004) A Piecewise Linear Approach to Overbooking. In IEEE Workshop on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR 2004), pp. 326-331. Phoenix, Arizona.
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Ball, R., Clement, M., Huang, F., Snell, Q., and Deccio, C. (2004) Aggressive Telecommunications Overbooking Ratios. In 23rd IEEE International Performance, Computing, and Communications Conference (IPCCC) 2004, pp. 31-39. Phoenix, Arizona.
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Turpin, B. and Ball, R. (as a ghost writer) (2014) The College Decision. In The New Era. September 2014.
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Ball, R., Szwedo, M., and North, C. (2006) Dynamic size and speed cursor for large, high-resolution displays. Technical Report TR-06-16, Computer Science, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. July 2006.
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Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "Applying Machine Learning (AI) to the Procurement Process, Phase II." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: FA8650-18-d1612/FA8650-20-F1946), $44,999. June 27 2022 - June 26 2023. | |
Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "TAME01-WSU-2021." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: 47QFLA20D0007/47QFLA20F0096). $4,997. May 2021 - May 2022. | |
Rague, B., Saunders, A., Ball, R., Al-Gahmi, A., Zhang, Y., and Chan, J. “Machine learning / Data Science Emerging Initiative Grant.” USHE (Utah State Higher Education) state grant $1,144,890. September 2021 - August 2023. | |
Ball, R. and Jensen, J. "Applying Machine Learning (AI) to the Procurement Process." AFRL (Air Force Research Laboratory) (Contract Number: FA8650-18-D-1612/FA8650-18-D-1612) $149,853. March 13, 2020 - March 13, 2021. | |
Naps, T., Furcy, D., Ball, R., and Faggiani, K. "Exploring Open Source Software: Development and Efficacy of Online Learning Environments in Computer Science."; NSF (National Science Foundation), $261,167. (May 2009 - April
2011). Award number: 0851569.
"Ultra-High Resolution, Interactive Information Visualization."; ARDA/DTO, $497,933. 2003-2006.